Consortium Coordinator

Mine Vaganti NGO
Mine Vaganti NGO is a non-profit organisation established in Sardinia in 2009, whose services encompass Education and Training, Project Design and Development, Thematic Research, International Mobility, and Consultancy – in Youth, Adults, Education and Sport sectors. MVNGO has 3 offices in Sassari, Olbia and Tempio Pausania impacting the North of Sardinia and reaching out with its operational branches to many other regions in Italy, around Europe and beyond.
The members of MVNGO operate in dedicated teams to create, develop and implement international projects in research, innovation or exchange of good practices sometime reaching the target via seminars and/ or training courses.
MVNGO promotes intercultural dialogue, social entrepreneurship, social inclusion through Sport, Formal and Non Formal Education including disadvantaged targets as migrants and people with disabilities.
Training, Project Design and implementation, Thematic and Desk Research, International Mobility, and Consultancy are the core services of MVNGO at local, regional and European level for public and private bodies. MVNGO promotes and develops European and transcontinental projects – in the above-mentioned sectors.
MVNGO works on Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, COSME, AMIF, JUSTICE, Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe, EuropeAid, Life, the United Nations (UNDEF), and with foundations such as EYF, Fondazione con il Sud, Anna Lindh and Open Society.
MVNGO is part of 3 international networks such as YEE, ISCA and MV International. MV International (MVI), “the Network of Mine Vaganti NGO”, is a network of 37 European NGOs, 8 associate organizations from Africa, Latin America and Asia, that promotes participatory planning between NGOs).
To strengthen operations and outreach, MVNGO is affiliated also to local Foundations such as: Fondazione Con Il SUD, Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, among others that align foregoing programme scope and priorities.

Università degli Studi di Sassari
The University of Sassari is a public university that gained its legal identity in 1617, the first in Sardinia. The birth of the university is due to Alessio Fontana, an official of the imperial chancery of Charles V, who in 1558 left his property for the establishment of a college of studies. In the 17th century King Philip III granted the status of royal university to the Jesuit college, consecrating Sassari’s as the first royal university. The University of Sassari remains at the top of the special ranking, compiled annually by Censis since 2001, among more than seventy universities. In the 2022 ranking, it was second in the ranking of medium-sized Italian universities.

Accademia di Belle Arti "Mario Sironi"
The Academy of Fine Arts “Mario Sironi” of Sassari is an Institute of High Culture for the Education of the Visual Arts in Italy. Founded in 1989, it is in chronological order the youngest among the twenty national Academies. Today the Academy of Fine Arts “Mario Sironi” represents one of the most attentive, young and stimulating institutions for High Education of the Visual Arts in Italy and stands out as one of the most followed and awarded Academies of Fine Arts in the State (it has won with its young students as many as four “National Awards of the Arts” in the last five years). In recent years, the Institute has proposed a new structure of transformation, renovation and updating of spaces for teaching, representation and public relations with the national and international world of culture and art, with a publishing structure specializing in the technological, artistic and cultural sector of the contemporary.

Università degli studi di Foggia
Since its fondation (1999) the Università degli Studi di Foggia has presented – in terms of education and research – a dynamic and innovative proposal. A module characterised by didactics in step with the territorial requirements, by applied local research projects, internationalization, orientation, cultural events and promotion of University activities.[Text Wrapping Break]The six Departments (“Sciences of Agriculture, Food and Environment”, “Economics”, “Law”, “Humanities. Literature, Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences”, “Clinical and Experimental Medicine”, “Medical and Surgical Sciences”) with three-year degree courses, the specialist degrees, the Master’s degree courses, an Interdepartmental Research centre, the large number of Master’s courses, research doctorates, and the specialist colleges have contributed to turning the University of Foggia into a cultural centre in which young people can acquire professional training that meets the needs expressed by society and the world of work.

Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
The University of Bari envisaged by Royal Decree No. 2102 of September 30, 1923 is established by Decree October 9, 1924 on the foundations of the ancient University Schools of Pharmacy and Notary activated immediately after the Unification of Italy to replace the ancient “Reale Liceo delle Puglie”.Of particular note is the international activity and, on the level of scientific relations, the activation of numerous cultural cooperation agreements, in existence with European and American Universities, as well as an important agreement with some Universities in People’s China, is promoted. The University of Bari is also the seat of the Consortium of Mediterranean Universities (CUM), created in 1983 and recognized by UNESCO as a non-governmental supranational body to which 158 universities from all countries in the Basin currently belong.
In addition, the University of Bari is also the founder and majority shareholder of the Science and Technology Park Tecnopolis-CSATA Novus Ortus, established in 1987 from the transformation of the Center for Studies and Applications in Advanced Technologies (CSATA) located on the outskirts of Valenzano, which is known and appreciated not only nationally but also internationally and has signed the Magna Charta Universitatum.

Accademia Belle Arti Macerata
The Macerata Academy of Fine Arts was established in December 1972 by decree of then-President of the Republic Giovanni Leone, strongly promoted by the community and local authorities who wanted to put the University of centuries-old tradition alongside the highest level of artistic education. At present the Macerata Academy is housed in an 18th-century building in the historic center, a former convent of Capuchin nuns, dedicated to St. Vincent with an adjoining church with a central plan that serves as the Aula Magna, Auditorium named after the set designer Josef Svoboda long active in the city for performances at the Arena Sferisterio, and a multipurpose space. The heroic early years were fruitful with international activities and meetings. The fruitful conjuncture that saw the Academy, through its first director Giorgio Cegna, linked to the artistic publishing activity of the Nuova Foglio, allowed the passage through Macerata, and the consequent effects on teaching, of illustrious names including French artists linked to Pierre Restany and Michel Seuphor.

Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Founded by Philip III of Spain in 1620, the University of Cagliari was born with four teachings: Theology, Laws, Medicine, Philosophy and the Arts. In the second half of the 1700s, Palazzo Belgrano was built, which still houses the Rectorate and the University Library. With the Casati Law” of 1859, the Botanical Garden and Biological Station were developed in Cagliari. The University of Cagliari is one of two universities in Sardinia and is the main attraction for students from all over the island. It is committed to promoting a permanent confrontation with the productive and institutional system: the goal is to feed the process of value production and growth of Sardinia, acting as an engine of development and generator of social welfare, through the enhancement of quality in research, teaching, health activities and, more generally, in the transfer of knowledge to the territory.

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Designed on the model of Anglo-Saxon university campuses, the Roman university of “Tor Vergata” began teaching in 1982 and occupies a land area of about 600 hectares. Within the area, where there are important research institutions, such as the CNR and the ASI – Italian Space Agency, is located the Nicola Cabibbo Laboratory, the new international center for fundamental and applied physics promoted by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and the University of Rome Tor Vergata for the realization of the Super B accelerator. Thanks also to the other research centers gravitating near the campus, such as ENEA, ESA – ESRIN, the National Institute of Astrophysics, the Monte Porzio Catone Observatory and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, “Tor Vergata” is confirmed as one of the most dynamic aggregations in the country.

Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore"
The Enna public university “Kore” is the only one in Sicily established since united Italy has existed and the only one that was not established by a pope or a king. According to independent and anonymous surveys conducted by AlmaLaurea of Bologna, is the university with the highest satisfaction index expressed by students within the entire national state and non-state university system. The National Committee for the Evaluation of the University System wrote in 2008, “The realization of the University of Central Sicily Kore was a lucid political-cultural design with, at its base, a precise idea of the role and location of Sicily’s fourth university pole in order to achieve the complete realization of the Sicilian university network.”

Universita' Degli Studi Di Camerino
Mine Vaganti NGO is a non-profit organisation established in Sardinia in 2009, whose services encompass Education and Training, Project Design and Development, Thematic Research, International Mobility, and Consultancy – in Youth, Adults, Education and Sport sectors. MVNGO has 3 offices in Sassari, Olbia and Tempio Pausania impacting the North of Sardinia and reaching out with its operational branches to many other regions in Italy, around Europe and beyond.
The members of MVNGO operate in dedicated teams to create, develop and implement international projects in research, innovation or exchange of good practices sometime reaching the target via seminars and/ or training courses.

Comune di Sennori
Sennori, arranged as an amphitheater, overlooks the Gulf of Asinara in northern Sardinia.The municipal territory of Sennori, has a significant availability of cultural and natural resources and is inserted in a wider territorial strip in relation with places of high value and strong tourist flows. Domus de janas, nuraghi and tombs of the giants are inserted in multiple scenarios of strong panoramic impact

Comune di Nuoro
Nuoro was certainly a very ancient center, which later became part of Roman rule. The name of the city makes its appearance in the 12th-13th centuries in the form “Nùgoro.” Thanks to its rather elevated position (m. 549) and favored by a very healthy climate, Nuoro grew rather rapidly, developing along the important communication artery that today has the name Corso Garibaldi. Between the 18th and 19th centuries it became the administrative heart of the island, a role ceded to Cagliari in 1860 but partially regained with the establishment of the province of Nuoro.

Comune di Telti
Telti is located in Gallura, a few kilometers from Olbia. Although it is a small town, it has several places of interest from a naturalistic and cultural point of view: the hilly terrain, rich in waterways, lends itself to excursions of various kinds, and allows the discovery of several prehistoric sites. The town is also home to the Cultural and Naturalistic Museum of Sardinia.

Comune di Tempio Pausania
Tempio is the second largest city in Gallura. Located high in the hills on a granite plateau at the foot of Mount Limbara, it is the hub for various services in the area and a historic bishop’s seat. The town is known for its traditions, such as granite and cork working, wine production, and the Carnival festivities, one of the best known on the island.

Comune di Capo d'Orlando
Along the northern coast of Sicily, facing the Aeolian Islands, lies the town of Capo d’Orlando, a renowned seaside resort and important service center. Born as a fishing village, it later grew also thanks to the production of citrus fruits and a strong vocation for tourism, which doubles the town’s inhabitants during the summer. Its coastline is particularly striking, characterized by alternating wide sandy areas, rocky points and headlands.

Comune di Aggius
Aggius is an Italian municipality in the Province of Sassari in the Autonomous Region of Sardinia. Aggius is “Orange Flag” and part of the “Authentic Villages of Italy.” In Aggius you can visit two museums, the Museo del Banditismo and the Museo Etnografico Oliva Carta Cannas, precious treasure chests that preserve evidence of the village’s ancient past.

Comune di Olbia
Olbia, the capital of Gallura, is a town of great importance in the economic landscape of Sardinia. Strong growth in recent decades comes mainly from the tourism sector: the port of Olbia is the first in Italy in terms of passenger traffic, and its airport is the main port of call in northern Sardinia. The city represents the main service center of the Costa Smeralda, a renowned seaside resort, and is able to offer, in addition to natural beauty, several attractions also from the historical-cultural point of view.

Comune di Uri
Uri is a small hill town in the province of Sassari, located about 13 km away from the main town. In the territory there are traces of the Nuragic period, such as the archaeological area of Santa Cadrina, in the center of the town, and the stele of Pedra Longa; among the naturalistic elements, near the town is the artificial lake of Cuga. The center is renowned for its agricultural productions, especially vines, olive trees and especially the artichoke, to which a well-known event is dedicated in March.

Eduforma S.R.L
Eduforma is a corporate training and management consulting company specializing in the area of Human Resources development. The goal is the strengthening of the individual’s capabilities in dealing with professional issues, within the framework of the development of company-specific competencies. Aiming at the continuous improvement of the business organization, Eduforma assists management in making strategic choices, from the analysis of needs to the design of interventions, from their implementation to the analysis of results.

Associazione Culturale Pitagora
The Pythagoras Cultural Association was founded in 2013 and operates in the field of education with special attention to children with learning difficulties. It proposes after-school activities aimed at this specific group with the goal of establishing a path to improve the study method through the use of new and specific models to eventually achieve complete autonomy. In addition to this, the association deals with training teachers on DSA issues, supporting the parents involved and doing cultural promotion.

Consorzio Materahub - Industrie culturali e creative
Materahub is a Consortium of companies established in 2011 based in Basilicata and Apulia, operating internationally. Our goal is to create new entrepreneurial and socially useful projects by combining skills and visions. The consortium wants to stimulate and bring together around the same table people and organizations, Italian and European, who want to build new projects together, in a forward-looking perspective and through long term programming.

MV International
The European Non Governmental Organization (ENGO) MV International (MVI) is a network of 37 European NGOs and 8 associate organizations from Africa (Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya and Senegal), Latin America (Argentina and Peru) and Asia (India and China) aimed promoting the exchange of knowledge among professionals in the field of European design. ENGO MVI is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of Youth, Non Formal Education, Sport and Culture.

Framework - Associazione Culturale
Olbia, the capital of Gallura, is a town of great importance in the economic landscape of Sardinia. Strong growth in recent decades comes mainly from the tourism sector: the port of Olbia is the first in Italy in terms of passenger traffic, and its airport is the main port of call in northern Sardinia. The city represents the main service center of the Costa Smeralda, a renowned seaside resort, and is able to offer, in addition to natural beauty, several attractions also from the historical-cultural point of view.

Umbria Training Center
Umbria Training Center is a cultural association that has been developing projects for companies, public bodies, schools and associations through targeted services since 1994, thanks to a team of experts and consultants and a network of national and international partners. The UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certification from Bureau Veritas, obtained for the research, design and management of training, career guidance, high training interventions for international integrated projects, guarantees the quality of the results.